Saturday 11 July 2009

Dr John – Soothsayer Extraordinaire

When Dr John Reid held high office, he implemented some major ventures.

On 10 May 2007, when John Reid was Home Secretary, he wrote: “Out of 27 EU member states 24 already have identity cards. If we do not take this step we risk exploitation, fraud and terrorism. As home secretary (sic) it is my duty to protect the public and secure our future.

A large part of this responsibility depends on an effective scheme to safeguard identities. Only the state can provide such a universal system, define the standards and be accountable for it.

There will be people who say we shouldn't do it. But I believe the benefits are indisputable

As Defence Secretary, John Reid ordered British troops into Helmand in 2006. He said: "We are in the south to help and protect the Afghan people construct their own democracy. We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years and without firing one shot because our job is to protect the reconstruction".

Quite a track record.

Prescience? Foresight? Eligibility for High Office? I think not.

So, on behalf of all those serving in our Armed Forces, here’s a number* for you, Dr John.

* After the death of Steve Marriott, the lead singer of Humble Pie, the band asked Peter Frampton (who had been in the band in its early days) to rejoin for a memorial concert. This is the 2nd part of this stonking track - if you like it, the first part is on You Tube, but sadly cannot be embedded in the blog.

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