Thursday 25 June 2009

Global Warming - Who is Right?

A worrying story from The Daily Mash suggests that "GLOBAL warming has caused an acceleration in evolution that should see the world overrun by 20ft mice within 10 years". See the whole terrifying account here.

On the other hand, over at Watts Up With That? it appears from this post that :

"The average arctic temperature is still not above (take your pick) 32°F 0°C 273.15°K–this the latest date in fifty years of record keeping that this has happened. Usually it is beginning to level off now and if it does so, it will stay near freezing on average in the arctic leading to still less melting than last summer which saw a 9% increase in arctic ice than in 2007".

So what about all the melting icebergs and stranded polar bears?

I'm Confused.

Who is right?

Well, I'll tell you one conclusion I've reached.

I'll bet a Pound to a pinch of pigshit it ain't Hilary Benn.

But he and his worthless kind in Westminster and Brussels are happy to bankrupt this country further on the basis of unproven "consensual" science.

Oh, but "consensus" isn't proof; it's newspeak for "la la la la - I can't hear you because I have organic carrots in my ears".

It's time for an open, even and honest debate before billions of taxpayers pounds are wasted.

Pigs will fly.

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